HC Deb 07 November 1912 vol 43 c1454W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that Julia Coakley, of Rathmore, applied to the Headfort pensions sub-committee for an old age pension and was granted 5s. a week; whether this was appealed against by the pension officer on the ground that Mrs. Coakley's privileges amounted to 12s. a week; is he aware that the conjoint privileges of Mrs. Coakley and her husband under a deed of settlement with their son, if assessed on the current market value, do not exceed £20 12s. 3d.; how then did the pension officer arrive at his calculation of 12s. per week; and what further consideration will be given to the claim of Mrs. Coakley?


The facts are as stated in the first paragraph of the question. Julia Coakley and her husband live with their married son on an extensive farm which carries a good stock and is fairly well tilled. The farm was transferred by the husband to the son in 1909, and the privileges reserved in the deed of transfer to the father and mother, including maintenance on the farm, in the opinion of the Local Government Board were worth more than £31 10s. a year in each case.