HC Deb 07 November 1912 vol 43 cc1471-2W

asked the Home Secretary (1) the result of the conference he promised on the 10th of June last, between his Department and the gas companies, in reference to the thefts from automatic gas meters; whether he is aware that such gas meters are continually and increasingly being fixed in the homes of poor people, whether the number of cases of theft from such meters is increasing in an equal ratio; and (2) whether he is aware that in the agreements between the gas companies and the consumers in regard to automatic meters the consumer was bound to make good the amount of money which might be stolen from the meter box, although such theft was committed by a burglar or other person entirely unconnected with the tenant; and whether he is aware that over 13,000 of such robberies took place last year, and what steps he proposes to take in the matter?


A conference on the subject was held on 4th July between the Home Office and representatives of the London gas companies. The main result of the discussion was to make it clear that these larcenies are facilitated by the use of flimsy boxes and that they can be checked by providing, the meters with boxes of stronger construction and fitted with better locks. A new form of box of much stronger construction than that generally in use has recently been adopted by one or two companies with good results; and all the companies have now agreed that stronger boxes shall be gradually introduced in those districts in which the larcenies chiefly take place Another conclusion reached at the conference was that the meter should be so placed as not to be readily accessible to any person save the occupier and his family; and the companies have accepted a rule that, in the case of tenement buildings and houses let in lodgings, the meter shall, whenever possible, be placed inside the tenement or room. The companies have also undertaken to bear in mind the importance of making frequent collections in the districts where the larcenies mostly occur. The Home Secretary trusts that this agreement, which has been arrived at after full consideration of the whole question, will result in a large reduction in the number of larcenies. The obligation of the consumer to make good any deficiency in the meter box is regarded by the companies as necessary for the prevention of crime, but they say that the rule is and will be enforced with discretion in individual cases.