HC Deb 30 May 1912 vol 38 cc1711-2W

asked how the cases of Messrs. Whelan and Ryan, planters on the estate of Lord Cloncurry, Bullas, Murroe, county Limerick, now stand, in view of the fact that these men have been anxious for a long time since to leave the district and allow the evicted tenants back to their holdings; and will some immediate steps be taken to have things finally completed?


The Estates Commissioners have at present no farms on hand which could be given to Whelan and Ryan. The question of the reinstatement of these evicted tenants will be considered when such farms are available.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland with further reference to the evicted tenants of the county Louth whether he has had brought to his attention a resolution, recently passed by the County Louth Evicted Tenants' Association, asking for legislation which will provide for those evicted tenants to whom, for one reason or another, the Estates Commissioners have been either unable or unwilling to give holdings; and whether he intends to do anything in the matter during the present Session?


The resolution referred to has been received. No legislation on the subject is in contemplation.


asked whether there is any prospect of Owen Lynch, Lislin, Mullagh, county Cavan, being restored to the farm on the Mortimer estate from which he was evicted twenty-six years ago?


The Estates Commissioners do not propose to take any action1 in reference to Lynch s application for reinstatement, which was not lodged within the period prescribed by the Evicted Tenants Act, 1907.


asked what decision, if any, the Estates Commissioners have arrived at upon the application of Martin Devaney for reinstatement under the Evicted; Tenants Act in the holding from which he was evicted at Gurthlahan, Turlough, on the Fitzgerald estate, county Mayo, or for a new holding in lieu thereof, or when the Commissioners intend to deal with the application?


The Estates Commissioners have decided not to take any action in reference to Martin Devaney'3 application at present. If the estate on which is situate the holdings at one time occupied by his mother-in-law, and in respect of which he seeks reinstatement, comes before the Commissioners to be dealt with the application will be further considered.