HC Deb 09 May 1912 vol 38 c727W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether his Department has, during the years 1910 and 1911, refused consent to any local authorities desirous of reducing the speed of motor cars in populous districts or of closing up any road to motor car traffic; if so, will he say in how many cases has there been such refusal; and can his Department, under Section 8 of the 1903 Act, take the initiative in restricting the speed of motor cars in populous districts?


During the years 1910 and 1911 the Local Government Board refused ten applications for a speed limit of ten miles an hour under Section 9 of the Motor Car Act. No application for a regulation under Section 8 of the Act prohibiting the driving of motor cars in a particular highway was refused in these years, but in one case a restriction to five miles an hour was imposed instead of a prohibition. During the same period sixty-seven applications under Section 9, and four applications under Section 8, were complied with wholly or partially. Section 8 of the Act does not in terms require an application to be made to the Board before an Order under the Section can be issued, but the Board think it generally desirable that any proposals for the issue of such an Order should emanate from the local authority.