HC Deb 08 May 1912 vol 38 c541W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware of the statement made by the coroner at the inquest upon the bodies of three workmen who were killed whilst engaged in the demolition of some buildings upon the premises of the Gas Light and Coke Company at King's Cross, to the effect that more inquiries arose from the demolition of old buildings than from the erection of new ones, and that it would be beneficial if there was some law whereby the proposed demolition of buildings should be notified to an officer of the local authority and carried out under his supervision; whether he is aware that the jury recommended that the local authority should appoint an inspector to represent them during the demolition of buildings; and if he intends taking any action in the matter?


I have seen a newspaper report of the inquest, but as the question only appeared on the Paper yesterday there has not been sufficient time for me to obtain a report from the coroner. The matter is one that could only be dealt with by fresh legislation. As my hon. Friend is aware, the Government already have a Bill in draft to deal with building accidents, and I will consider the present question in connection with it.

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