HC Deb 06 May 1912 vol 38 cc191-2W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he is aware that the action of the War Office in granting liberty to Territorials to indulge in the amusement of rifle practice on the Sabbath day is disapproved of by many members and adherents of the Scottish Churches; and will he see that, at any rate as far as Scotland is concerned, the permission will be withdrawn?

Colonel SEELY

The Secretary of State has received deputations from numerous religious bodies on the subject of Sunday rifle shooting and has fully explained the present position to them. The Army Council has embarked on no new policy in this matter, but has taken steps to regularise the position and impose certain restrictions on Sunday rifle shooting. Such shooting will now be confined to the courses necessary for military efficiency, and will only be permitted where the quiet of the neighbourhood will not be disturbed. As has already been publicly stated, the Army Council have no wish to do anything to increase a tendency to regard Sunday as other than a day of rest, or to interfere with the general desire in any district to preserve the quiet and peacefulness of Sunday.