Mr. MacCALLUM SCOTTasked the Secretary for Scotland at what date and for what reason the Scottish Education Department ceased to recognise the certificates of the Rodmure school of domestic economy as a qualification for teachers of dressmaking; whether the lady inspectors of the domestic economy department are now discouraging the use of the Rodmure system of dressmaking which had been adopted in the majority of schools; and whether he is aware that many teachers who had qualified themselves by obtaining certificates from the Rodmure school must now either lose their occupation as teachers of dressmaking or lose time and money in obtaining other certificates?
Mr. McKINNON WOODThe Scotch Education Department have never accepted the certificates of the Rodmure or any similar private adventure school as in themselves a sufficient qualification for756W teachers of dressmaking. They are not aware of any such action by their inspectresses of domestic subjects as is indicated, but there are obvious objections to any system which compels students to purchase proprietary articles of any particular kind receiving official recognition. The Department do not withdraw recognition from any teacher who is once recognised so long as her work is reported to be satisfactory.