HC Deb 26 March 1912 vol 36 cc407-8W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will state what was the value of the exports from the United Kingdom to the British Empire, not including India and the self-governing Colonies, during the latest year for which statistics are available; what was the value of goods wholly or mainly manufactured exported from the United Kingdom to these parts of the Empire; what was the value of the imports into the British Empire other than the United Kingdom, India, and the self-governing Dominions from foreign countries during the same period; and what percentage of the total imports by these parts of the Empire was secured by the United Kingdom?


The following statement gives the information desired, the particulars having been compiled so far as possible for the year 1910:—

Exports of the United Kingdom to portions of Empire specified 24,941,000
Of which goods wholly or mainly manufactured accounted for 19,429,000
Imports into portions of Empire specified*
From Foreign Countries 32,149,000
From the United Kingdom 24,141,000
From other parts of the Empire 35,278,000
Proportion of Imports derived from the United Kingdom 26.4percent.
*These figures include the imports into British Protectorates on the mainland of Africa, but exclude the imports into other British Protectorates, detailed particulars of which are not available.


asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will state what was the value of the exports of the British Empire, not including the United Kingdom, the self-governing Dominions, and India, to the United Kingdom and to foreign countries, respectively, during the latest year for which statistics are available; and what percentage of the total export trade of these parts of the Empire went to the United Kingdom?


The following statement gives the information desired, the particulars having been compiled so far as possible for the year 1910:—

Exports from portions of Empire specified* to— £
Foreign Countries 36,310,000
United Kingdom 27,354,000
Other parts of the Empire 19,656,000
Proportion of Exports sent to the United Kingdom 32.8percent.
*These figures include the Exports from British Protectorates on the mainland of Africa, but exclude the Exports from other British Protectorates, detailed particulars of which are not available.