HC Deb 25 March 1912 vol 36 cc179-80W

asked whether attention has been called to the proceedings at a meeting of the Ballindine branch of the United Irish League, held upon the 10th March, at which speeches were made and resolutions passed threatening and denouncing by name a number of workmen on the estate of Lord Oranmore, and at which a resolution was passed to the effect the notice should be given to sixteen other workmen requiring them to leave off work; whether these notices were subsequently served; and what action, if any, has been taken or is proposed to bring to justice the persons responsible for these proceedings?


I have seen a newspaper report of the meeting referred to, which was held indoors and to which the public were not admitted. So far as the police can ascertain no notices have been sent to any of the workmen on Lord Oranmore's estate requiring them to leave off work. Without evidence as to what was said and done at the meeting, it is difficult to see how the question of taking proceedings can arise.