HC Deb 25 March 1912 vol 36 cc178-9W

asked the Chief Secretary whether Scotland will receive for education for the coming year from the Treasury £2,489,425, while Ireland will only receive £1,734,554, while the population of both countries is about the same; whether Scotland will receive £230,000 for secondary education from the Treasury, while Ireland will receive nothing; and whether, seeing that Scotland is relatively a wealthier country and has had for centuries a good education system, he proposes to take any steps to remove this inequality?


The comparison is not quite fair. The Scotch Vote of £2,489,425 includes £230,000 for secondary education, and covers many other matters not included in the Irish Education Vote, while the Vote for the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction includes provision for technical instruction and Grants for day secondary schools. The Irish Education Vote shows an increase of £78,000 on last year, and I cannot hold out hopes of any further increase this year.