HC Deb 22 March 1912 vol 35 c2429W

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the action of the police in requiring the proprietors of small newsagents' shops in East London to attend at Stratford police station on a Saturday in connection with the prosecution of the printer and publisher of the "Syndicalist" newspaper; and whether he is able to take any steps to obviate such a disturbance of tradesmen and the infliction of loss through their compulsory absence from business?


I am informed that the proprietor of one newsagent's shop, at the instance of the Director of Public Prosecutions, attended on subpoena at Stratford Petty Sessional Court upon the 16th instant. He received his travelling expenses and an allowance to compensate him for his loss of time. He made no complaint, and I cannot think that there was any hardship involved.