HC Deb 20 March 1912 vol 35 cc2025-6W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he will state the duration of the course of instruction undergone under present regulations by cadets at the Royal Military College before being gazetted to a commission in the Regular Forces; and whether he will state the standard of military knowledge required of gentlemen who are gazetted to commissions in the Regular Forces without having first entered the Royal Military College?

Colonel SEELY

The present course is for eighteen months, but pending the completion of the new buildings a certain number are gazetted after a twelve months course in order to meet the normal demand for officers. The standard of military knowledge required of candidates who obtain commissions in the Regular Forces through other channels is shown in the regulations dealing with each channel. These regulations are on sale, but I shall be glad to supply copies to the hon. Gentleman.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he would state the number of occasions within the past five years on which the prescribed entrance examination to the Royal Military College had been suspended owing to the number of candidates presenting themselves for examination not being equal to the vacancies?

Colonel SEELY

The competitive examination was dispensed with on two occasions—in June and November, 1909.