HC Deb 11 March 1912 vol 35 c912W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury if any Grant has been promised to the Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society by the Development Commissioners; and, if so, under what conditions?


On the recommendation of the Development Commissioners the Treasury have sanctioned an advance by way of Grant to the Society of a sum not exceeding £1,000 for the current year upon certain conditions, the principal of which are as follows:—

  1. 1. The business of the society shall be conducted by means of a president and committee of management, of which one member shall be nominated by the chairmen of county councils in the crafting counties, one by the chairmen of other county councils, and six by the three agricultural colleges, (two by each college); and the society's operations are to be carried on in harmony with the colleges' scheme of work.
  2. 2. The society shall at once appoint one organiser giving his whole time to his duties, who is to be paid a salary not exceeding £300 a year exclusive of travelling and maintenance expenses.
  3. 3. The Grant to the society shall not exceed the, amount spent by the society from its own funds for the present financial year; and shall not in any event exceed £1,000 prior to 31st March, 1912.