HC Deb 11 March 1912 vol 35 cc933-4W

asked the Prime Minister whether he can give the names of the Advisory Committee who advise the various Government Departments on the interpretation of the Fair-Wage Resolution passed by the House on 10th March, 1909; whether he can also state the office held respectively in Government Departments by each member of the Advisory Committee; and whether the Advisory Committee act upon any terms of reference in the matter of interpretation of the Fair-Wages Resolution, if so, what are those terms?


The names and offices of the Members of the Fair Wages Advisory Committee are at present as follows:—

  • Sir G. R. Askwith, K.C.B., K.C. (Chairman), Chief Industrial Commissioner, Board of Trade.
  • Mr. R. Bailey, C.B., Controller, Stationery Office.
  • Mr. F. W. Black, C.B., Director of Navy Contracts, Admiralty.
  • Mr. W. G. Butler, Director-General of Stores, India Office.
  • Mr. H. D. De la Bère, C.B, Director of Army Contracts, War Office.
  • Mr. A. I. Durrant, M.V.O., Controller of Supplies, Office of Works.
  • Mr. P. H. Ezechiel, Secretary to the Crown Agents for the Colonies.
  • Sir G. C. V. Holmes, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., Chairman of the Board of Works, Ireland.
  • Mr. G. Morgan, I.S.O., Controller of Stores Department, Post Office.

The terms of reference to the Committee in dealing with the Fair Wages Resolution are: "To advise the Departments of Government dealing with contractors as to the form of clauses in contracts by which the Resolution of the House of Commons of the 10th March, 1909, can best be carried into effect, and as to the methods of securing observance of such clauses and generally to make such recommendations as they may deem advisable to promote uniformity of administration and co-operation between Departments in dealing with the question of the payment of fair wages by Government contractors."