HC Deb 06 March 1912 vol 35 c512W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether, in cases where boards of guardians find special difficulty in carrying out the case paper system, he would be prepared to grant an extension of time to such boards for that purpose; and whether he would be prepared to receive a deputation from the St. Pancras guardians on the subject of the case paper system generally?


The order under which a case paper system is required was issued at the end of last year, and does not come into force until after the 31st of this month. This period was allowed mainly for the purpose of enabling boards of guardians to introduce case papers, and I could not extend the time without issuing a fresh order. I do not find that I have received any application for an extension of time except from the St. Pancras Board of Guardians, and I do not think there would be any advantage in my discussing the case paper system generally with a deputation.

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