HC Deb 04 March 1912 vol 35 c167W
Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary if he will state what is the cause of the delay in the office of the Irish Land Commission in changing in their registers and instalment receivable orders the name of the purchaser of a holding bought out under the Land Acts for the name of the vendor; if at present a delay of three months is quite usual; and if, to prevent the inconvenience caused at present, he will have such simple transactions completed within a reasonable time?


The Land Commission inform me that where a tenant who has purchased his holding under the Land Purchase Acts (such holding being liable to a land purchase annuity) sells his interest in the holding his name as "owner" is not removed from the books of the Land Commission until the purchaser from him has "been registered as "owner" of the holding in accordance with the requirements of the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891. On completion of the registration proceedings the name of the new "owner" is immediately inserted in the Land Commission Records and the Receivable Order amended accordingly.