HC Deb 01 March 1912 vol 34 cc1781-3W

asked the Home Secretary the number of firms in Lancashire who have fitted the carding engines in their cotton mills with automatic locking

motions for the covers over the cylinders; the number who have not these appliances affixed; and whether any definite order has been served upon them to complete

them within a specified time, and, if so,, what time?


I cannot give the exact figures up to date, but according to the latest information in the possession of the Department, the numbers are as follows:—

District. Fitted. Not fitted or only partially fitted.
Bolton 130 75
Rochdale 120 30
Oldham 293 36
Stockport 6 2
Preston 34 6
Blackburn 64 8
Manchester 35 14
Totals for Lancashire 682 171

Of the 171 mills in the second column of the Table, a number are probably now completely fitted, as the work was in hand when the mills were last visited. No time has been specified within which the work is to be completed, but proceedings are being taken when considered necessary in order to secure compliance. Five firms in Lancashire were prosecuted and convicted last year for failure to provide the appliances.