HC Deb 20 June 1912 vol 39 c1990W

asked the President of the Board of Education whether his attention has been called to the differentiation that is being practised against teachers who, from religious or other disability, have been unable to attend a training college; whether it is his intention to abolish the acting teachers' examination; and whether he will issue a circular to local education authorities emphasising the necessity of affording equality of opportunity to non-collegiate trained teachers?


I may perhaps refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave on Tuesday to the hon. Member for North Islington, a copy of which I am sending him, with regard to the position of untrained teachers. I must remind the hon. Member that, in the absence of any dispute which is referred under the Education Act, 1902, to the Board of Education, the appointment of teachers is a matter entirely for local education authorities and managers. I explained on Tuesday that I propose to insert in the prefatory memorandum to this year's Code a paragraph stating that the Board do not contemplate any alteration of Article 9 (a) (iii.) of the Code, so as to disqualify for the post of head teacher any teacher who was certificated before the 1st August, 1910, on the ground that such teacher had not completed satisfactorily a course of training. The question of continuing the acting teachers' examination is under the consideration of the Board, but I do not intend to take any immediate action in the matter.