HC Deb 20 June 1912 vol 39 cc2001-2W

asked the Lord Advocate if he is aware that assessments for the building and maintenance of parish churches in Scotland were originally burdens on the landowners, and that as a result of legal decision feuars are now considered landowners for the purposes of these assessments; whether he is aware that a new Established Church is now being built in Kirkintilloch, Dumbartonshire, and that assessment papers have actually been sent out to poor feuars who are in receipt of parish relief, and that people in receipt of parish relief have heretofore had their goods and chattels poinded for this tax in other parishes; and if the Government intends to prevent such occurrences taking place in Kirkintilloch?


I am aware that under the existing law all feuars, as heritors, are assessable for the purposes referred to, and that assessment papers were therefore sent, among others, to two feuars who were in receipt of parish relief. These two assessments, however, were paid by the Kirk Session of Kirkintilloch. I am also informed that the building is being proceeded with on the understanding-that a sum of £7,000, which represents half the cost, will be raised voluntarily. The attitude of the Government on the subject was stated in the answers given by my right hon. Friend the Lord Advocate on 13th December of last year (32 H.C. Deb. pp. 2365, 2492).