HC Deb 17 June 1912 vol 39 cc1450-1W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland (1) whether any part of the sum destined for Grant-in-Aid of Irish teachers' pensions will be available for retired teachers; (2) whether he can make a statement as to the revised scheme for pensions of Irish teachers; and whether he can state what are the maximum and minimum disablement pensions that have been fixed?


I fear I can only refer the hon. Member to the answers I gave to the hon. Member for West Kerry on the 10th ultimo, and the hon. Member for East Down last Monday.


asked the Chief Secretary whether, in regard to the proposal to pay Irish teachers their salaries monthly, he can submit an actuarial statement as to the increased cost that will be entailed; and whether, if this be found much less than formerly estimated, he will take the necessary steps to bring about the desired relief with as little delay as possible?


I shall be happy to furnish the hon. Member with a statement showing how the estimate of the increased cost is arrived at. I have no reason for thinking that that estimate is too high.