HC Deb 13 June 1912 vol 39 c1187W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that at the Nottingham Annual Movable Conference of Oddfellows it was stated that approved societies could not be expected to and would not pay the travelling or other expenses of their representatives on the county committees; if he is also aware that at present many proposed members of such committees have expressed reluctance to accept nomination, on the ground that they are doubtful if such committees will use the power given to them under the National Insurance Act to make the annual levy by the committee of 2d. instead of 1d. for management expenses, so as to cover travelling and other expenses of members; and whether, as the first committees are being appointed, as to the majority of their members, by the Insurance Commissioners, the latter will take steps to remove the doubt at present existing on this point, in order that experienced and valuable friendly society officers may not be lost to the committees because such persons are unable to undertake to pay the expenses of attendance at the county town or elsewhere?


My attention has not been called to the statement referred to in the hon. Member's question, and I have not heard that any pesons have expressed reluctance for the reason suggested to serve on the Provisional Insurance Committees which are now being constituted. I may point out that the repayment of the travelling expenses of the members of any committee requires the authority of the Commissioners, who will consider the special circumstances of the county in question.