HC Deb 13 June 1912 vol 39 c1194W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether his attention has been called to the dissatisfaction which exists amongst solicitors and others concerned at the delays of the Inland Revenue Commissioners in connection with the assessment of Increment Duty and Estate Duty; and what steps it is proposed to take to remedy this grievance?


My attention has been called to these delays, which are due to pressure in the Valuation Branch. Every effort is being made by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue to have cases dealt with as expeditiously as possible, and instructions have recently been issued to valuers in the matter.


asked what was the number of estates in respect of which accounts had been delivered on the 31st March, 1912, but which had not been dealt with by the Inland Revenue Commissioners?


On the date mentioned by the hon. Member there were 16,853 cases outstanding.