HC Deb 11 June 1912 vol 39 c831W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the conditions of housing, sanitary arrangements, and water supply in the rural district of Dartford; whether he can state what steps are being taken by the local authorities to meet the case; and whether it is his intention to take any immediate action?


I am in communication with the rural district council in regard to some of the matters referred to in the question. As regards housing, I have asked for much more complete information than was contained in the report of the medical officer of health, and on receipt of this I will consider what action should be taken. As regards water supply, I must point out that part of the district is within the limits of supply of the Metropolitan Water Board and part within those of the Mid-Kent Water Company, and according to my information only a very small proportion of the houses in the district are without a piped service. I am, however, asking for further information in regard to this and other sanitary matters to which attention has been drawn.