HC Deb 30 July 1912 vol 41 cc1864-5W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland how many national school teachers promoted to the second division of first grade and to the first division of first grade, respectively, on 1st April, 1910, have not yet received their grade salaries; how many similarly promoted from 1st April, 1911, have not yet received their grade salaries; what sum would pay these men arrears of salary from the date of their promotion; and whether the Commissioners of National Education asked the Treasury for this sum and, if so, will the Treasury grant it?


Of the teachers who qualified for promotion on 1st April, 1910, eight are awaiting vacancies to the second division, and six in the first division of the first grade. Twenty-four teachers who qualified for promotion to the second division and six to the first division of the first grade on 1st April, 1911, are also in a similar position. An additional £750 would be required to pay those teachers at the higher rates from the dates on which they qualified up to the 30th June last. The Commissioners have not confined their requests to the cases of these teachers, but have asked for a large extension of the standard numbers which would ultimately cost some £18,000 a year. This the Treasury are not prepared to grant.


asked the Chief Secretary whether schools and class-rooms under the control of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland will be available for the use of approved societies in Ireland for the purpose of meetings to transact the business of their society under the National Insurance Act; and, if so, will he state what arrangements or regulations have been made for this purpose?


The Commissioners of National Education will make no objection to meetings in connection with the National Health Insurance Act being held in national schools after school hours on weekdays provided the managers and trustees of such schools give their consent, and that the National Insurance Commissioners of the Board of Trade guarantee to make good any damage to the school-houses and school fittings that may occur in consequence of the meetings.