§ Mr. TOUCHEasked the Home Secretary whether, having regard to the complaints by residents in London that, owing to the introduction of new motor-omnibus routes, they have been inconvenienced by deprivation of the peaceable enjoyment of their premises, and that injury is done to the roads through excessive wear and tear, thereby imposing additional burdens on the ratepayers, he can put in force the provisions of 24 and 25 Vic, c. 70, s. 5, and restrict the use of such vehicles in certain thoroughfares where this can be accomplished without detriment to the convenience of the travelling public?
§ Mr. McKENNAThe Section referred to by the hon. Member was repealed by Section 2 of 28 and 29 Viet., c. 83. I am advised that I have no power to restrict the use of omnibuses in particular streets.
§ Mr. TOUCHEasked the President of the Local Government Board, if, in view of complaints by residents in London of the introduction of new motor-omnibus routes in highways unfitted for such traffic, or 1661W where they cause inconvenience to the residents, and of the use of wagons drawn by locomotives, he will advise borough councils to exercise the powers conferred on them by the Highways Locomotive Act, 1898, 61 and 62 Vic., c. 29, s. 6, and make suitable by-laws for the better regulation of such traffic?
§ Mr. BURNSMotor omnibuses are light locomotives within the meaning of the Locomotives on Highways Act, 1896, and are therefore outside the scope of any bylaws which could be made under Section 6 of the Locomotives Act, 1898. The powers of Section 6 of the latter Act with respect to heavy locomotives and the use of wagons drawn by such locomotives are exerciseable in London (outside the City) by the London County Council, and not by the Metropolitan Borough Councils. I understand that the London County Council have had under consideration from time to time the question of framing bylaws on this subject, with respect to particular highways, but that they have not found themselves in a position to deal with it in a satisfactory manner.