HC Deb 25 July 1912 vol 41 c1377W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether the inspector sent on the 17th July to Milborne St. Andrew, Dorset, has made his report on the condition of the drainage of that village; whether he found two drinking wells fouled by farmyard sewage; what is the general effect of such report; whether he proposes to publish it; and, if such report condemns the existing drainage system at Milborne St. Andrew, what course he proposes to take?


I have received my inspector's report. Some of the complaints made seem to have been exaggerated, but certain sanitary defects were observed. No actual pollution of wells was established, but the inspector reports that contamination might possibly occur in un usually wet weather. The report of the inspector is confidential, and will not be published. I am about to address a letter to the district council on the subject.