HC Deb 25 July 1912 vol 41 cc1372-3W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he is now prepared to transfer from the Greenwich Hospital funds to the Navy Votes the sum payable out of the former in respect of the pensions payable to widows and allowances to children of seamen and marines killed or drowned in the service of the Crown; and whether he can see his way to relieve the funds of Greenwich Hospital of the gratuities to parents or other relatives dependent upon seamen and marines killed or drowned in the service of the Crown, and apply the money so released towards paying the first instalments of the Greenwich age pensions now overdue?


I am afraid I cannot give the undertaking desired by the hon. Member. But I would point out that considerable relief has already been afforded to Greenwich Hospital funds by the decision that the charge for age pensions to men of the Seamen Pensioner Reserve, reaching the age of fifty-five subsequently to 1st April, 1910, should continue to be borne by Navy Votes until such time as they would receive the pension from Greenwich Hospital funds in the ordinary course of selection.