HC Deb 23 July 1912 vol 41 cc991-2W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury how many of the 344 new posts established in 1911–12 under the Board of Customs and Excise are indoor posts and how many outdoor posts; how many of the fifty-nine new posts estimated for the current financial year are indoor and outdoor; how many new posts, indoor and outdoor, have been sanctioned by the Treasury since the Estimates were made; and will a Supplementary Estimate be presented?


All the new posts provided for in the Estimates for 1911–12 represented staff available for both indoor and outdoor work, with the exception of forty-four new indoor posts and three new outdoor posts. All the new posts provided for in the Estimates for 1912–13 were indoor posts. The number of new posts sanctioned since the estimates for 1912–13 were prepared is 484, including four for indoor duties, and 480 for both indoor and outdoor duties. I am not yet in a position to say whether a Supplementary Estimate will be necessary.