HC Deb 19 July 1912 vol 41 c698W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that dissatisfaction exists amongst the Class I. Instructors of His Majesty's prison service owing to the privileges granted to them on their appointments having been withdrawn; and whether he will cause inquiry to be made with a view of any existing grievances being redressed?


A number of additional posts of Class I. Instructors have recently been created, and the men promoted to these appointments are required to do certain Saturday and Sunday duties from which Class I. Instructors were formerly exempt. This is necessary owing to the larger number of Instructors who hold the Class I. rank. If any dissatisfaction exists among these men it does not seem to rest on any reasonable ground, as the officers have received promotion in rank and increase of emoluments, and they are not required to do more duty than they did in Class II.