§ Mr. JOHN PHILLIPSasked the Chief Secretary of Ireland, if he is aware that the Longford pension officer has objected 1327W to an old age pension granted to John Farrelly, of Lenaboy or Carnan, barony of Ardagh, and county Longford, granted to him by the Ballinalee sub-committee, pension No. 2,235; and will he see that this man receives a pension?
§ Mr. BIRRELLJohn Farrelly's claim was disallowed by the Local Government Board on appeal on the 4th January, and the Board have no power to re-open consideration of the case.
§ Mr. O'DONNELLasked on what grounds the Local Government Board refused a pension to Maurice Foley, of Bally-velly, Tralee, seeing that he is entitled only to an annuity of £5.
§ Mr. BIRRELLIf the claimant referred to is Maurice Foley, of Lenamore, Bally-longford, his claim was disallowed on appeal by the Local Government Board on the ground that his maintenance was worth more than £31 10s. a year.