HC Deb 15 February 1912 vol 34 c173W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury what has been the total sum paid to the Exchequer in respect to Land Values Duties; what has been the cost of collection; and what amount has been spent on the Land Valuation Department since the passing of the Finance (1909–10) Act?


The total sum paid to the Exchequer in respect of Land Values Duties up to the 14th instant is £901,000. As previously stated, the cost of collection cannot be distinguished from the cost of collecting the Inland Revenue generally. The cost from the commencement of the Act up to January 31st of the branches mainly concerned with the collection of the duties in question amounts to about £25,000. The total cost for the same period of the Land Valuation Office, which, as the hon. Member is aware, is engaged in making the original valuation of all lands in Great Britain, has been approximately £610,000.