HC Deb 30 December 1912 vol 46 c55W

asked the President-of the Local Government Board if the seizure and condemnation of four tuberculous pigs at the recent Smithfield Club show and the partial condemnation of four others was reported to him; if so, what action has been taken in the matter; whether he is aware of what became of the four pigs partially condemned; and will he state if they were sold as food for man?


I am informed that among a number of pigs entered for the Smith-field Club Show which were slaughtered at the Metropolitan Cattle Market eight were found after slaughter to be diseased. Four of these carcases were considerably affected with tuberculosis, and were seized and destroyed in the market's destructor. Of the remaining four carcases, two showed traces of tuberculosis and two traces of other disease, but in all these last four cases the evidences of disease were slight and local, and the carcases were passed by the veterinary inspector for human consumption after removal of the affected parts.