HC Deb 30 December 1912 vol 46 cc51-2W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether a portion of the Farrell estate, known as the Bawn, Moynalty, county Meath, has recently been inspected by the Estates Commissioners, and with what object; and whether, if eventually purchased by them, it will be distributed amongst local applicants?


The reply to the first paragraph of the question is in the negative. The lands refered to were repurchased by the owner under Section 3 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, and were vested in him in 1909.


asked the Chief Secretary what progress has been made by the Congested Districts Board towards the purchase of the following estates situate in the barony of Erris, county Mayo, namely: the estates of General J. P. Brabazon, Messrs. H. N. G. Bushby, H. H. S. Bingham, H. B. Knox, A. O'Malley, W. H. M. Kirkwood, Denis Bingham, and others; John O'Donnell, Knox and Carter, and Mrs. Mary McGloin and Mrs. Mary Moran; if he is aware that, by a letter of 31st May, 1912, the Board intimated their intention to make offers for all these estates before September last; and, in the case of any of the above estates for which no offer has yet been made, will he state the cause of delay?


The Congested Districts Board inform me that their offer for the purchase of the estate of Mary McGloin has been accepted. The Board have decided to issue as soon as practicable offers for the purchase of the estates of John O'Donnell and W. H. M. Kirkwood. The question of making offers for the purchase of the estates of H. H. S. Bingham and Mary Moran has not yet been considered by the Board, but these cases will be dealt with as soon as possible. Negotiations for purchase are at present pending in reference to the other estates mentioned.