HC Deb 19 December 1912 vol 45 cc1706-7W

asked the Chief Secretary whether, as a result of the Irish Local Government Act, 1898, Lord Lansdowne was saved a burden of £788 in poor rate annually; whether Lord Londonderry was similarly saved the annual outgoing of £930, which sums or somewhat similar amounts had been for generations past been paid by the aforesaid lords or their predecessors; and will he state the amount saved to Irish land and town lords annually since the 1st April, 1899, stating the amounts involved in 1910, 1911, and 1912?


The Local Government Board have no information to what lands were and are held by the landlords referred to, or who are the tenants or what arrangements existed between these landlords and their tenants as to the payment of poor rate and county cess prior to the passing of the Local Government Act of 1898, or as to the valuation and amount of rates payable on such holdings. For these reasons it is not possible to give the information asked for.