HC Deb 01 August 1912 vol 41 c2272W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether a board of guardians has power to appoint as chaplain to the union two persons, one a Church of England clergyman and one a Nonconformist minister, a Nonconformist minister only, or to leave religious ministrations to voluntary organisations; and have the guardians power to allow a Nonconformist minister to use the chapel of the union?


The Regulations of the Local Government Board contemplate the appointment of chaplains who are clergymen of the Church of England, and for the great majority of workhouses such appointments are made. It is open to guardians to appoint religious instructors for the spiritual care of Roman Catholic or Nonconformist inmates, and appointments of this kind have been made in many workhouses. Where a workhouse chapel has not been consecrated it is competent to the guardians, if they think fit, to permit religious services to be held therein by ministers of any denomination. The services, however, should be held at such times as will not interfere with the ministrations of the appointed chaplain.