HC Deb 03 April 1912 vol 36 c1267W

asked the Under-Secretary for India if he is aware that, in the Triennial Report on Vaccination in the Central Provinces for 1908–11, it is stated that the supply of a pure lymph of standard strength cannot be secured under the present system, and that there is risk of septic lymph being used; and whether, in view of these circumstances, and of the opposition of the Indian peoples to vaccination, he can see his way to abolish compulsory vaccination in those provinces?


The statement in question expresses the Chief Commissioner's conclusion that really pure lymph can be obtained, and risk of using septic lymph avoided by adopting in the Central Provinces the plan of a single central supply depot which has proved satisfactory in other provinces. He has instructed the Sanitary Commissioner to examine the matter further. The Secretary of State is not prepared to take the action suggested in the last part of the question.