HC Deb 03 April 1912 vol 36 cc1270-1W

asked the Postmaster-General when it was decided to convey parcel post packages in bags instead of boxes and baskets, and when the change was introduced; what notice was given to the public that the parcels confided to the care of the Post Office would in future be conveyed in bags, instead of in baskets and boxes as heretofore; what annual saving to the Post Office will result from this change of system; and what is the estimated additional cost to the public in providing packing materials to withstand the extra pressure which parcels are subjected to under the system of conveyance now in force?


Bags as well as baskets have always been largely used by the Post Office for parcels. Their use has been extended during recent years; but, as no new standard of packing was introduced, there was no necessity for notice to the public, and the question of additional cost to the public is not relevant. Experience shows that articles properly packed are conveyed with as much safety in bags as in baskets. As I stated, in reply to a question by the hon. Member for the Blackfriars Division of Glasgow on 14th August last year, I am unable at present to say what saving has been effected, but the use of bags secures greater convenience in handling, economy in space, and reduction of the gross weight conveyed by mail van and motor services.