HC Deb 08 November 1911 vol 30 cc1778-9W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that Mrs. Judy Quin, Knockahornaduff, Drombane, county Tipperary, was deprived of her old age pension on the ground that she was not seventy years of age, although she obtained a certificate from the parish priest stating she was seventy-two years of age last July and her marriage certificate certifies she was married fifty-one years; and, seeing that her case was appealed to the Local Government Board about six months ago, whether he can state the cause of delay in the Local Government Board deciding her case; and whether, under the circumstances, she will receive the pension from the date upon which she was deprived of it by the pension officer?


The pension officer's appeal was received in this case on the 4th April, 1911, but all the documents relating to the case were not furnished by the pension sub-committee until the 17th August last. Mrs. Quin was married on the 12th February, 1861, but there is a doubt whether the baptismal certificate mentioned relates to her, and this matter is at present being investigated. According to the Census Returns, there was no child named Judy in the family of Mrs. Quin's parents in 1841, and in 1851 Judy was returned as only seven years old.


asked on what grounds the Local Government Board rejected the case of Mrs. Sarah O'Brien of Shanid, Shanagolden, county Limerick, to whom the Askeaton pension committee granted an old age pension; and what evidence had the Local Government Board before them when rejecting her claim?


Sarah O'Brien's claim was disallowed by the Local Government Board on the ground that she failed to furnish satisfactory evidence of having reached the statutory age. The evidence consisted of the statement of two persons that they believed her to be seventy years old, and her own statement that she was about eighteen months younger than a brother who was certified as having been baptised on 24th June, 1839.