§ Mr. PATRICK WHITEasked whether Miss Norah Kieran, of Leggah House, Navan, an evicted tenant, will be given an equivalent holding on the estate of Colonel FitzHenry Smythe, Newtown, Carlanstown, county Meath?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe Estates Commissioners inform me that Miss Norah Kieran's application will be considered in connection with the allotment of the untenanted land on the estate referred to.
§ Mr. PATRICK WHITEasked the Chief Secretary whether Christopher Gogarty, an evicted tenant from the estate of Dominick More O'Farrell, situate at Oristown, county Meath, applied for reinstatement in his former holding; whether his claim was admitted; and, if not, will he state the reasons for its non-admission?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe Estates Commissioners received an application from Christopher Gogarty for reinstatement in a holding on the estate referred to formerly occupied by him, and now in the occupation of another tenant, and, after inquiry and consideration, decided to take no action in the matter. It is not the practice of the Commissioners to state the reasons which actuate them in the exercise of the discretion vested in them by statute.
§ Mr. VINCENT KENNEDYasked when it is intended to reinstate James Shiels, Knockaughy; was his holding recently inspected, 1439W and who was the inspector; and have the owners notified their willingness to allow his reinstatement?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe Estates Commissioners have had the holding inspected, and the owners have expressed their willingness to sell on terms which are at present the subject of negotiations between them and the Commissioners. The Commissioners cannot reinstate Shiels until they acquire the lands, but they hope to be able to arrange for his reinstatement at an early date.