HC Deb 30 May 1911 vol 26 c1032W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether the pay of a captain in the British Army, to which the Lord Mayor of Dublin is entitled, is paid to him direct and as an addition to his mayoral salary or is paid to the Corporation of Dublin for him; and has the present Lord Mayor or any past Lord Mayor of Dublin ever refused to accept his pay as a captain in the British Army from the British Treasury or suggested its application to some more useful object?


The payment referred to in the question is part of an annuity of £714 11s. 8d. (£800 Irish) granted to the Lord Mayor and citizens of Dublin and charged on the Consolidated Fund. The total annuity is paid to the Bank of Ireland as attorneys for the Corporation of Dublin. I have not been able to trace any representations of the kind referred to in the latter part of the question.