HC Deb 29 May 1911 vol 26 cc851-3W

asked why the Estates Commissioners refuse to make an advance for premises or houses in the town of Strokestown, application No. 101 to 212; why they deprive the tenants in occupation of the right to become the owners of the houses they occupy, the tenants having promised the Commissioners inspector to pay in cash the difference between what the Commissioners might advance and the value of the premises; if he will state the rulings made by the Commissioners with reference to the town parks and the grazing ranches in Kildallogue, Lavally, Kilmore, Cloonrabracken, and Newtown, which are let on the eleven months and grazing system; if any and what provision has been made to supply the inhabitants of Strokestown with turbary, abundance of turf bank existing on the estate; if he will state if the landlord has consented to the division of the grass lands above referred to amongst the occupiers in Strokestown who require them; if the payment of the bonus will be withheld until the entire estate, including the town of Strokestown, and the grazing lands, adjoining, are included in the sale; and if the Estates Commissioners intend to take any further steps to settle the grievances of the tenants in the town of Strokestown?


The Estates Commissioners have notified to the vendors the amounts which they are prepared to advance in respect of the holdings in Strokestown, the difference between these amounts, and the prices arranged between the vendor and the tenants to be lodged in cash by the latter. The town parks and other lands referred to are part of the owner's demsene, and are not included in the lands in respect of which the owner has instituted proceedings for sale under the Irish Land Act, 1903. The sale is a direct sale between landlord and tenant, and the holdings will be vested in the tenants in accordance with the purchase agreements. After vesting, the holdings will continue to have appurtenant thereto such turbary rights as the tenants are entitled to. The payment of the bonus is not a matter within the jurisdiction of the Estates Commissioners, but will be dealt with by the Judicial Commissioner in Court on the allocation of the purchase money.


asked the Chief Secretary whether, in regard to the Westby estate, Kilballyowen, West Clare, he can state the condition of negotiations with regard to the division of the land among the tenants; and whether any portion of the estate will be reserved for any person other than such tenants as come within the provisions of the Land Act of 1909?


This estate has not yet been reached in order of priority, and meanwhile the Estates Commissioners are not in a position to express an opinion on the matter.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the tenantry on the Percival estate, situate in the union of Tubber-curry, county Sligo, some eighteen months ago forwarded a petition to the Congested Districts Board praying that body to approach the landlord, A. Percival, Esquire, Templehouse, Ballymote, with the view to the purchase of his estate; whether negotiations have since been opened with this landlord; and if so, can he state wtih what result?


Memorials have been received by the Congested Districts Board from the tenants on this estate, and the agent has been informed that if he desired to open negotiations for the sale of the estate through the Board, he should lodge the necessary maps and documents. So far this has not yet been done.


asked the Chief Secretary what further steps, if any, have been taken by the Congested Districts Board to acquire the Parkes estate, Dunally, county Sligo, and, if no progress has been made, if he will explain the cause of the delay; and, further, if the Board have been informed that notwithstanding the negotiations the landlord's representatives are attempting to sell the estate privately in lots without the concurrence of the Board; and if he will make inquiry and have effective steps taken to secure the whole of this estate for the settlement of congestion?


The Congested Districts Board inform me that owing to the death of the landlord the negotiations for the purchase of this estate have been suspended. The Board are making inquiries as regards the latter part of the question


asked the Chief Secretary what further progress, if any, has been made by the Congested Districts Board in acquiring for the purposes of the Land Act of 1909 the grazing lands known as Ballymulderry, Doonfore, Ballygilgan, and Oxfield, all part of the Gore Booth estate, county Sligo; whether he will state what steps the Congested Districts Board have taken for the purpose of purchasing these lands; and what is the cause of the delay in completing the transaction?


The Congested Districts Board are in correspondence with the Estates Commissioners regarding the lands mentioned, as they understand that proceedings are pending before the Commissioners for the purchase of other portions of Sir Gore Booth's estate. No avoidable delay has occurred in the matter.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he will state when the holdings of the tenants on the Lady Castlestewart estate, county Cavan, will likely be vested; will he say when the purchase agreements were filed; and if the vendor is taking all cash?


The Estates Commissioners anticipate that this estate will be dealt with during the present financial year. The purchase agreements were lodged in December, 1905. The reply to the concluding inquiry in the question is in the affirmative.