HC Deb 22 May 1911 vol 26 c110W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that the Cork Committee of Agriculture have more than once urged on the Board of National Education and the Department of Agriculture that the elementary principles of agriculture and horticulture should be taught in all the national schools of the country; whether money for these purposes is available in the case of English and Scottish schools, where agriculture is not the staple industry as it is in Ireland; and, if funds are available in Great Britain, can he say why an equivalent grant is not given for encouraging an inclination towards agricultural and horticultural pursuits in Ireland at a school age, when it would be most likely to have permanent results?


I am aware that such representations have been received by the Departments mentioned. I understand that the Board of Education in England give special grants for instruction in gardening, and in Scotland elementary instruction in agriculture and horticulture may be given as part of the course in the primary schools, but there is no separate Grant for the purpose. The Commissioners of National Education have made recommendations from time to time in reference to this matter, but it was held that past experience did not justify the re imposition on the Vote for Public Education of a charge for the purpose, having regard to the more urgent claims on that Vote.