HC Deb 18 May 1911 vol 25 cc2270-3W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he will state the number of men who have been discharged from the dockyards each week, commencing from 1st April of this year, giving the numbers in the different trades as well as the numbers of skilled and unskilled labourers?


presented the following statement showing the number of men of the different trades, etc. (exclusive of Works Department), who have been discharged from the home dockyards during each week since 1st April, 1911:—

Yard Week ended. Ship-wright. Fitters. Boiler-makers. Pattern makers. Copper-makers Riggers Smiths, etc.
Portsmouth 1 April, 1911 1
8 April, 1911
15 April, 1911 1
22 April, 1911
29 April, 1911 2
6 May 1911 11
Devonport 1 April 1911 1 1
8 April 1911 2
15 April 1911
22 April 1911 1 1
29 April 1911 1
6 May 1911 1
Chatham 1 April 1911 1 28 2 1
8 April 1911 2 6 4 1 1 4
15 April 1911 6 6 1
22 April 1911 1
29 April 1911 2
6 May 1911 1
Sheerness 1 April 1911
8 April 1911 2
15 April 1911
29 April 1911
6 May 1911
Pembroke 1 April 1911
15 April 1911
15 April 1911
22 April 1911
6 May 1911 2
West India Docks
Haulbowline 1 April 1911
8 April 1911 1
15 April 1911
22 April 1911
29 April 1911
6 May 1911
Portland 8 April 1911
22 April 1911
Total 12 59 14 4 1 5

In addition to the foregoing the following men who were entered for special or temporary
Porismouth 8April 1911 1
6 May 1911
Devonport 1 April 1911
8April 1911
15April 1911
29 April 1911
6 May 1911
Chartham 1 April 1911
Sheerness 1 April 1911
8 April 1911
22 April 1911
15 April 1911 1
29 April 1911
6 May 1911
Total 1 1

Joniers Caulkers. Painters. Founders. Rope makers, etc. Plumbers. Yard Crafts men. Store Assistants. Women Labourers. Boys Total
Colour makers. Polishers Skilled. Unskilled
1 2
1 1
4 5
1 24 27
27 7 45
1 3 1 7
1 1 2
1 2
1 5 18 56
3 1 14 11 47
1 1 8 7 30
2 4
1 1
1 1
1 4 2 1 1 56 81 1 242

service to be discharged on completion of the work, were discharged. on the following dates: —

10 10
299 299
275 275
20 20
12 12
21 21
7 7
6 6
1 1
1 1
2 2
12 12
3 3
1 7 661 671