HC Deb 16 May 1911 vol 25 cc1969-70W

asked the President of the Board of Trade, whether his attention has been called to the fact that the Limerick Harbour Board at their meeting on 24th April last, passed a resolution to truss the swivel bridge over the Shannon, and that their engineer, in answer to a question, stated that the trussing of the bridge would interfere with the turf boats coming up to Arthur's Quay; whether he is aware that such a step would cause injury to the water-borne trade from county Clare; whether the Harbour Board enjoy statutory powers enabling them so to block the navigation of the Shannon; and what steps he proposes to take to secure that the provision of a better bridge for Limerick may not infringe the rights of the Clare boatmen?


I have communicated with the Limerick Harbour Commissioners regarding the hon. Member's question, and I am informed by them that the resolution referred to was passed as a result of the opinion of three engineers whom they consulted, that the trussing of the bridge was

necessary in the interests of public safety. The Commissioners are of opinion that the proposed work will not cause any injury to the water-borne trade from county Clare. I am causing further inquiry to be made in the matter, and I will communicate the result in due course to the hon. Member.