HC Deb 16 May 1911 vol 25 cc1971-2W

asked the Postmaster-General how many candidates he proposes to call from the number of successful competitors at the male learners examination held in January, 1910, for the Dublin post office; and whether he proposes to call the remaining number of candidates who qualified at the limited competition examinaton of May, 1910, for the same office?


Two vacancies were announced in connection with the open competition for male learners at Dublin held in January, 1910, but to meet the needs of the service eleven candidates who qualified in addition to the two successful competitors have been appointed. It is not intended to make any further appointments from that examination. One vacancy was announced in connection with the limited competition for male sorting clerks and telegraphists at Dublin held in May, 1910, and two candidates who qualified have, in addition to the successful competitor been appointed. There is no intention of calling up all the candidates who qualified.