HC Deb 08 May 1911 vol 25 c993W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, if, during the recent trouble at Delagoa Bay, His Majesty's ship "Hermes," flagship of the Cape squadron, was in dockyard hands unavailable; if his Majesty's ship "Pandora" was in dockyard hands and unavailable; if His Majesty's ship "Forte" was so much in need of refit that her speed could hot have been more than from twelve to fourteen knots; and whether it is the intention of His Majesty's Government to reinforce the Cape squadron?


I am not aware that there has been any actual trouble at Delagoa Bay. One of His Majesty's ships was always available to proceed there if required, as the "Forte" was not taken in hand by the dockyard until the "Hermes" had completed her refit. The "Hermes" eventually proceeded there as a precautionary measure. As regards the maximum speed of which the "Forte" would have been capable in April immediately before her refit, I presume this would be a matter of conjecture, but she carried out all the duties required of her efficiently, and on the 19th April was engaged in assisting a Portuguese vessel, which was wrecked. The "Pandora" is fitting new shafts. There is no present intention of increasing the force at the Cape.

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