HC Deb 05 May 1911 vol 25 cc810-1W

asked the Attorney-General for Ireland whether he is aware that at the election of clerk of petty sessions for the district of Falcarragh, county Donegal, on the 25th ultimo, a gentleman who was a connection of one of the magistrates on the bench and voting was allowed to sit on the bench beside some of the magistrates during the progress of the election; and that the same gentleman came to the court in the company of the magistrate referred to, and the solicitor for the applicant for the position, who was declared elected; and whether, under these circumstances, a fresh election will be ordered?


The gentleman referred to is a brother-in-law of Mr. Stewart, one of the magistrates present at the election. At first, I understand, he sat in the body of the court, but, as the court was cold and draughty, I am informed that he was invited to sit on the Bench, where he took a place behind the magistrates. The gentleman in question is, I understand, a resident in Liverpool, and had no interest in or connection whatever with the election or its result. Nor did Mr. Stewart's vote in any way determine the result, the successful candidate having otherwise a majority. In the circumstances I do not think further attention need be paid to the incident.