HC Deb 01 May 1911 vol 25 cc169-70W

asked whether purchase agreements have been lodged on behalf of the occupiers of a number of small holdings, 80 per cent. of which are uneconomic, on the Nicholson estate, situate at Balrath, county Meath; whether the Estates Commissioners are aware that, as an inducement to the tenants to sign the agreements, a written promise was given by the vendor that he would voluntarily sell to them as much untenanted land as they might consider necessary for the enlargement of the small holdings; and whether, having regard to this mutual agreement, the nature of the tenancies, and the need for relief, they will at once send an inspector to investigate and report upon the conditions of the estate and the terms of sale expressed and implied?


The agreements for the purchase of their holdings by the tenants on this estate were lodged in April, 1909, and the estate will not be reached in order of priority for some time. When so reached the Estates Commissioners will have inquiries made into the matter referred to by the hon. Member.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that when the tenants on the Fuller estate, in Clara, King's county, were making arrangements for purchase, an understanding was arrived at that the untenanted lands of Woodfield, Ballinamentron East, would be given to the labourers and uneconomic holders; and will he say if such an arrangement has been carried out, and, if not, will the sale of the tenanted portion be not finished until the original agreement is carried out?


The Estates Commissioners have acquired 742 acres of tenanted, and 505 acres of untenanted land situate in the townlands referred to on the estate of A. A. Fuller, King's county. The greater part of the untenanted land has been. distributed, and the purchasers put in possession.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the Congested Districts Board have arranged to purchase the estate of the Lewis Trustees, situated in the townlands of Beheymore, Behebeg, and Breaffy, near Ballina; whether he is aware that certain evictions on this estate are pending, and that, through this cause and owing to the congested and impoverished condition of the tenants, it is imperative that the Board should act promptly; and whether, in view of the impending purchase and transfer of the estate, the Board will make it a condition of purchase that the proprietors of this estate will not carry out the threatened evictions?


The Congested Districts Board understand that the estate is now owned by Mr. O'Sullivan, who recently obtained forms in order that he might furnish such information as would enable the Board to value his estate and make an offer for it. The Board has no information in regard to the evictions which are stated to be pending on the estate.