HC Deb 28 March 1911 vol 23 cc1296-7W
Captain CLIVE

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that on pages 106 and 107 of the Accounts of Trade and Navigation, under Sub-head J, the articles unenumerated, including acetate of lime, acetic acid, acetone, carbide of calcium, and sulphate of nickel, are not stated as to quantity, but in value amount to no less than £2,385,564, or more than the value of all the other articles put together that are separately enumerated under that sub-head; and, in view of the growing importance of some of these articles of trade, whether he can arrange in future for a more detailed and complete enumeration of them?


The great diversity of the chemicals imported renders it difficult without undue elaboration to specify separately more than the principal kinds in the Monthly Trade Accounts, but I will see that the question of enlarging the detail given is referred to the Committee which meets annually to consider suggestions for improvements in the Official Trade Records. The hon. Member is probably aware that statistics respecting the particular chemicals mentioned in his question, which constitute only a small portion of the "unenumerated" group, are obtainable from the Annual Statement of Trade.