HC Deb 27 March 1911 vol 23 cc1102-3W

asked whether any communication was made by the Government of Canada to His Majesty's Government, between the month of May, 1910, and the 7th of January, 1911, as to what was to constitute the subject of negotiation between the Canadian Government and the United States Government, looking to the establishment of reciprocal tariff arrangements between them; if so, whether His Majesty's Government will lay upon the Table all correspondence and despatches in relation thereto; whether His Majesty's Government was aware that reciprocal arrangements in respect of manufactured articles were to form the subject of negotiation; if so, when they became aware of that fact; what proposals were made by the American Commissioners to the representatives of the Dominion Government at the conferences held in Ottawa in the month of November, 1910; whether the result of these conferences was communicated to His Majesty's Government; and, if so, when?


The only communication of details of the proposed reciprocity agreement were those received through the Foreign Office, from Mr. Bryce, which has already been laid.


asked whether the West Indies will be represented at the Imperial Conference; and, if so, by whom?


No, Sir; the Imperial Conference is a conference solely of the Prime Ministers of the Self-governing Dominions.